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Women's Body Awaken & Self Love Coaching

Women innately know who they are what they need. They are born with a natural inner wisdom and inner knowing, but along the way it can get lost and forgotten. Certain stressors or significant events can throw women off course. Women are already Goddesses; sometimes they just need a reminder. 


If you are a woman you already have a feminine power inside of you. Your work here is to regain access to it, and re-discover the truth of who you are and your own knowing of yourself. found yourself here, there is a reason.


Asttarte has been an Intuitive Healer, Reiki Healer, Tantra Teacher, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, and Massage Therapist for over 25 years. Now, as a Shamaness, Dakini, and Healer, she works with women and merges all her 25 years of skills and offers Breathwork, Somatic Stress Release Therapy, Tantra, Coaching and Healing for trauma, grief, core issues, energy clearing, and helping you bring the power from your womb and heart center to live the life you deserve. 

Are you going through female life changes, a health crisis related to you as a woman, a re-awakening of you as a Goddess, sexual repression, or are in a relationship that is challanging your power?


Whatever your needs are, you as a Goddess deserve to have it all and be free to be yourself.

For Private Sessions, click Below. for Women's Retreats, please ask!

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Women's Private 1:1 BodyAwaken Self Love Empowerment Sessions


Are you struggling to accept your body as beautiful, sexual and alive? Do you feel repressed sexually? Do you feel like you have to keep your mouth shut and stay quiet? Do you feel like you want to awaken to your bliss and pleasure in your body, but don't know where to start? Have you had a recent trauma or trauma from the past? Do you want to nurture yourself as a Goddess and give yourself the love you deserve, but have forgotten what that feels like? Perhaps you have doubt, fear, regret, anxiousness, sadness, or even anger about your body and your past and want to free yourself to feel alive, juicy and blissful again. Join me for a private session and/or women's circle for harnessing the whole of who you are. We will bring to yourself an experience of full self love and acceptance for all of who you are. We will do practices such as mirror exercises, dance, re-creating communications incomplete, guided self massage, breathing into unhealed/blocked parts, affirmations, heart meditations, chakra clearing, honoring the divine feminine and masculine within, healing soul parts, emotional release and healing rituals to release shame, fear, and embrace self love so you can feel more joy, acceptance, pleasure, radiance, connected and peaceful.

"To be authentic means to be true to oneself. It is a very dangerous phenomenon, rare people can do that. But whenever people do it, they achieve such beauty, such grace, such contentment that you cannot imagine." --Osho
Zoom and In person in

Bala Cynwyd, PA

My purpose is to share and experience joy, love and bliss!

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Asttarte will help you awaken! ~ to release, open, be free & let go!

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© 2099 by Asttarte Deva  No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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