The Forgotten Goddess
Posted on July 31, 2012 by paganspathway
The Beauty of the Goddess
This topic was suggested by a friend of mine, Alan Jay. He is an angel therapist and utilizes the energy and power of the higher-self to bring forth healing and clarity. Thank you for the topic.
Alright everyone, there has been a lot of talk about the Goddess being forgotten and her return, but let’s talk about this a bit more, what has really been forgotten? Has the beauty of nature been forgotten? No, it sure hasn’t. Artist found throughout the world have been painting, sculpting, composing, singing, playing, and creating continuously, they have never stopped. Inspiration is brought forth by nature; it is the power of the natural world changing your current situation. It is the Goddess and her love shining down on us.
Has faith been lost? No, it sure has not, faith of the Pagan faith has always been present, perhaps small at times, but only when faith is strained does it grow stronger. After the darkness of the night, the early beams of light are the brightest. The Goddess has never left our faith. She has been diligent and strong in keeping us safe and strong in our faithful pursuits.
Has love been lost? No. No matter where you are in the world, love is ever present. Love is a never ending energy, the only energy that is pure. Love is given and it is received by the God and Goddess because they love each other and they love us. We will never forget the Goddess if we have love, because love is worship of the Goddess.
The Goddess has not been forgotten, she has been here, but in different forms. Love, is the name of the Goddess. If we have love, the Goddess will never be forgotten.
Perhaps what has been forgotten is the God. The horned king, ruler of the afterlife, connected fully with the Goddess. Honor and love the two must be ever present because they are both the reason we live and breathe and grow in our spirit and our lives on this earth. Neither deity should be forgotten.
Have a great day! Blessed Be!
(Thank you Alan) Follow me on twitter @PagansPathway And follow Alan on twitter @premalan and his websit alanjay.ca