Last nights Workshop was a great success! Everyone, including myself had an amazing experience! I created the workshop for a friend that revealed he wanted support to help him release some pent up anger. I shared how I had taught a Tantra Anger Healing Workshp in the past and that I would love to do it again, and now have a bunch more new amazing technnqiues to add to my Workshop.
We did the Tantra Yoga Anger Release Workshop last night, and this is the run down, breakdown of what was performed:
Set Up (About 15 to 20 minutes)
Everyone set up their space with a pillow and Yoga mat
Instructed to use the restroom
They made sure they had water near by
I set up the music
We all introduced ourselves and created a background of relatedness
Getting Started (15 minutes)
We started with getting settled on the mat and moving the pillows to the side
We talked about the safety with making loud sounds in the space and made sure everyone was comfortable
Then we started with breathing in the nose and out the mouth a few breaths
Then in the nose out the mouth with sounds, then sounds getting louder and louder
Going Deeper (15 minutes)
Then everyone stood up - Shaking, full body shake, to orgasmic shaking, to sounds with shaking
Then breathe up lift hands in the air above head and then arms go down and slap the floor on the exhale (at least 5 times)
Then make loud exhale scream sound on the slap (5 to 10 times)
Then tap/punch all over the body
Stomp feet
Then jump up and down
Then pause - rest
Tantra Up and Down (15 minutes)
Then sit down and kick and shake all over on the mat (full body shake lying down), child with temper tantrum
Then stand back up
Punching with angry fists - yoga boxing
Then back down on the floor
Then we did a fist into liver on the belly exercise and exhale loud breath or scream
Everyone shared their experience
Pelvis/root chakra release - awakening dormant angry sexual energy / with pillow
Then screaming in palm
Then Shamanic Breathwork with Asttarte's Instruction (about 25 minutes)
then with Laurie’s Shamanic soundtrack
Then rest
Then we did some Yin Yoga (about 5 poses - about 25 minutes)
Rest for a few minutes after
Talked about about experience or anything they felt
Offered to do Art work or Meditation
Meditation into third eye (about 15 minutes)
Then acupressure for anger (30 minutes)
Then Grounding and Root Chakra sound bowl (10 minutes)
This ended up being about a 2 hour and 45 minute Workshop. I would have stopped at 2 hours but they requested to teach them the Acupressure for releasing anger, so we did extra time and did grounding after that. They left feeling fulfilled and complete and happy to have a peaceful night sleep.
They definitely asked when I'll be doing this again! And I myself got quite a workout!
I made audio recordings of the Workshop and will post updates here with the links as I put them together. I will probably make a reel, put on my podcast and a youtube video.
Much Much Love, Asttarte