Often, we experience Emotions in Your Muscles, when at any moment you are feeling pain or discomfort in your body. Many times people go to a physical therapist or massage therapist to help get rid of pain in their body, but in fact, what the pain they are experiencing is the stress reaction to the discomfort or uncomfortable feelings in their body.
Our muscles carry feelings, and many times when a person does not know how to channel the energy of an emotion out of the body, or perhaps the emotional weight is too strong, then those feelings get stored in the body.
We as humans have many different emotions, and since we are mostly made up of water and energy, emotions that we are experiencing have an easy time in just settling in one spot when a feeling is not addressed, looked at, processed, or the energy of the feeling has not moved.
Everyone deals with their feelings in different ways, and in fact, there are so many types of practices on the market these days, that people don’t often know which to choose, which is best, and sometimes get stuck on a modality not aware that other things can in fact help them. Some may go to physical therapy, some massage therapy, some tai chi, chi gong, yoga, acupuncture, walking, jogging, exercise, therapy or counseling, meditation, or others. However, the intention is to get rid of pain, and the answer may be different for each person, the result is the same; a release of discomfort, movement of the energy or emotion and joy or peace in the body.
Some people don’t know that dealing with their anger or upset at their partner, family member or friend, may be the cause of the pain in their neck or pain in their back. Or, that their frustration with their child or challenge at work is the exact reason they are having trouble sleeping, having a hard time relaxing or discomfort in their body. Sometimes the most challenging things can have the simplest answer. And, often it takes an outsider to help look at the issue or concern and go deeper into finding a solution!
The ways I would help support someone with pain in their muscles, is in fact, any one of the modalities listed on any page of this site!
I hope for you, you are always asking for help when you need it, know a practice or practices that can help, and if you don’t, to please reach out at the time that is perfect for you! I am here if you ever need support or desire to go deeper into your journey!