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Autobiography of a Healers Journey

Writer: Asttarte DevaAsttarte Deva

Autobiography of  a Healers Journey


EDUCATION I have a degree in Behavioral Science of Anthropology focused on World Religions, Psychology/ Sociology and English/Creative Writing in order to connect to all people from all cultures.

I’ve been studying Holistic Healing and truly on the path to “find myself” since December of 1995 after being a part of a major Environmental Entrepreneurial company. My skills of ambition, self-motivation, determination, success principles, leadership and business were first instilled during this time.

I have studied through Writer’s Digest School and have been a poet and writer since the age of 5. I plan to write and publish many books in the future.

April of 1996 is when I first practiced magick and learned to work with candles, colors, the aura and angels. During this time is when I learned I’ve been an Intuitive all my life.

I’ve been studying and practicing Astrology since the age of 12 and was introduced to Numerology at the age of 15.

I enjoy the studies of different cultures and different ethnic backgrounds. I enjoy researching anything of value that would be helpful in supporting and explaining to others.


BREATHWORK The Work of Byron Katie I’ve been trained in The Work of Byron Katie and used this for my own development for 3 years. The Work is a form of counseling and Emotional Processing to tap into any issue that is present at the time. It is a way of calming the mind, and being ok with what is, in any moment. This method of healing helped me tremendously and I recommend it as one of the top best tools for growth in healing trauma, loss, depression and coming to love yourself and be in your own power. I have offered counseling sessions to clients by using this method of transformation and would be happy to do so for others if there is an interest.

Emotional Freedom Technique I have been trained to perform sessions, healing, and do emotional clearing with EFT since the spring of 2000. I support clients with sessions of EFT when the time calls us. EFT can transform anything at anytime and any place. I highly recommend anyone who wants to grow to learn this. I offer EFT sometimes in Counseling or Healing sessions.

From the website:

EFT is a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is a unique version of acupuncture except you don’t use needles. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says…

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions the following statement has also proven to be true…

“Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases.”

Abraham Hicks I studied with Abraham Hicks for several years and used it as a way of reprogramming the mind to a place of pure joy. The training with Abraham Hicks is channeled to teach others to shift their thinking from negativity to an outstanding form of abundance. You can create anything you desire, you just have to shift your thinking to believe so. For information, tapes, cd’s and trainings, check out the link for Abraham Hicks.

YOGA I’ve been a student and practitioner of Yoga since January of 1998, longer than I’ve been a Massage therapist. I am grateful to Yoga for offering me all the healing, lessons, training, experience and joy in life it has.

I’ve practiced Asthanga, Vinyasa, Power Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Anasara Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and Egyptian Yoga. My two favorite practices are Egyptian and Tantra Yoga. All styles of Yoga are amazing, and often one can lead to the other and open up doors within you to become more open to experiencing and appreciating all forms.

I finally chose a Yoga Teacher Training this past fall, however, because of my practice coming into effect full time during the same time, I needed to take a break from it, and will be completing my training at Yoga on Main, Manayunk, at the end of their next session.

BODYWORK I am a practitioner of Thai Yoga Massage, and love this form of art.

I am also a practitioner of 5 Element Shiatsu Massage, Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure and WellSea Approach Massage. On the weekend of March 25th, 2001, I completed the 12-Hour Basic course for Introduction to Shiatsu at the International School of Shiatsu in Doylestown, PA. I am a Shiatsu Massage Practitioner, however most of my clients prefer swedish or sensual massage, so I often integrate this technique with the others. You are welcome to request just a Shiatsu Massage without the other techniques if desired.

My initial reason for studying massage was to promote Reiki and to work full time as an Energy Healer at a salon in Wayne, PA. Soon after my trainings my goal was always to work out of my home doing both. I’ve grown to loving both massage and energy therapy and will always support others how spirit guides me.

REIKI I took my first professional Metaphysics, Reincarnation and Aromatherapy class on my birthday in 2000 when I met my second Reiki Teacher, and became an intense student of Reiki with him, as my teacher, beloved and healer for 2 years after this day. I learned everything he knew and practiced Reiki almost every day either on the phone or in person. I grew to become an incredible healer from this experience – remotely, or in person.

I was initiated as a Usui Reiki MasterTeacher in July of 2000. From this initiation into the Reiki ray, I moved on to other forms of healing that have helped bring my potential to the utmost maximum. I am a Usui Reiki Master~Teacher~Healer.

In the winter of 2000/2001 I received training into Shamballa Reiki; which is a higher form of Reiki at a much higher vibrational level than the original Usui Reiki I received in July. In order to be attuned to Shamballa Reiki, you must be at least a Usui Reiki Level 2. I am a Shamballa Reiki Master~Teacher~Healer. I have not offered classes in this form of art in quite some time, but if interested, please send me an email. Requirements are at least a level 2 of Usui Reiki. I can attune and teach you this art as well.

In August of 2002, I received my initiations and training into a form of Reiki called Tera-Mei Seichem in one day from my second Shamballa Reiki Teacher, Barbara Ruth. My first Shamballa Reiki teacher, Murielle Welsh, moved to Phoenix, AX. Her friend and partner teacher, who taught my Shamballa level 1 and 2 together, Sally Martin, stayed here in Pottstown, PA. Sally still offers Reiki classes and Reiki shares to this day. I am a Tera-Mei Seichem Reiki Master~Healer.

I’ve also been Initiated into Kundalini Reiki and have moved on to the Masters level to Initiate and heal others, however, I usually just integrate this modality in sessions when guided. My teacher is from and lives in India. I learned with him through Distance healing and communication. I am a Kundalini Reiki Master~Healer.

FREQUENCY BALANCING & AXIOTONAL ALIGNMENTS On March 11 2001, I received my first Full Body Axiotonal Alignment and offer Alignments to this day. I am an Axiotonal Alignment Practitioner.

In April of 2001, I became initiated into a form of healing called Frequency Balancing at the first level. In the summer of 2001, I went on to the Advanced level of FB. I am an Advanced Frequency Balancing Practitioner.

ANGEL HEALING Working with angels is my regular area of endeavors; whether it is through meditation, teaching, giving sessions, or channeling. My contact with my angel friends is of the most priority. See other blogs about my sessions with angels.

On May 5, 2001 I received my Basic and Intermediate attunement and training into the method of healing called Integrative Energy Therapy. On May 26, I received my Advanced level into Integrative Energy Therapy also by my teacher Jacky Williams. I am an Advanced Integrative Energy Therapist.

On September 9 2001, two days before the major historical event of our history, I was initiated and trained into the Intermediate level of healing called Igili. I have been considering going on to the teacher level.

I had several experiences with angels as a child and have always been sensitive to energy. As a young girl, I had painted on my wall, “VIBES ARE EVERYTHING”. I learned young that there is so much out there that we can’t physically see and to always look beyond the obvious.

INTERFAITH MINISTRY/PRAYER TREATMENTS I have been Ordained as a Melchizedek Priestess through the Order of Melchizedek from the Sanctuary of the Beloved, in NY by Daniel Chesbro, October of 2001. I am an Ordained Interfaith Minister.

I was initiated into the Universal Life Church, August 25, 2002 as a Spiritual Counselor and Interfaith Minister. I use this training and certification for prayer, counseling and healing others. I also am being guided to take a formal 1 to 2 year training with The Center of Peace or Agape Ministry. For other good sources of ULC, see:,

I highly recommend: The Center of Peace A Trans Denominational Spiritual Community ~ “Only through recognition of the commonality that exists among all denominations, can the hope of the future for all humankind be fulfilled. We, therefore, invite our congregants to bring to the Center of Peace, their religious heritage based on the beliefs and practices of their previous ecclesiastical experience. Here they may examine that heritage in light of the tenants of religious science. Here they may discover the common thread that flows through all denominations that acknowledge the singular authority of God and the sanctity and beauty of the human spirit. Here they may discover the unconditional LOVE of GOD.” Germantown, PA,

Commonground Fellowship I am grateful to my friend, healer, and counselor Andrea Thomas. May she always shine like the light of an angel! Commonground is a local community people can go to get inspired, have positive transformations and feel totally loved and supported. It is a place where miracles happen through dance, singing and shining in the light! I have been a part of this community since its inception. I am a part of the choir, and love to sing whenever I can. I was in a choir all throughout my adolescence since the age of 5, and off and on for the past ten years. I have been in a couple musical theater performances the past few years to rekindle my desire to act and sing.

Commonground Fellowship, Wynnewood, PA.

Commonground and The Center of Peace are almost identical in their activities, and many know one from the other.

Agape Prayer Ministry I am truly grateful to the Agape Prayer Ministry, for all their dedication to prayer, helping others and making miracles happen. You can call upon Agape Prayer 24 hours a day whenever you are in need. 310-348-1270.

I am drawn to taking the Ministry Training through one of the local Interfaith Communities in the future! These trainings are 1 to 2 years in length to complete.

For more information on prayer, healing and to get a base of knowledge on the spiritual principles and a better feel for the above Interfaith Churches, you may do a search or read any books from: The Science of Mind, and Ernest Holmes.

I am guided in all the work I do.

I sometimes use: crystals, colors, incense, healing cards, a pendulum, white sage &/or sweet grass, candles, and soft music. Energy sessions and massage sessions are quite different, although they are often incorporated together, depending on the individual’s wants and needs.

I enjoy meeting new people, going to new places, art, music, dancing, writing, singing, dining, good foods, yoga, sports, movies, traveling and exploring. As a child I was an eclectic athlete. As an adult, I am a diverse Healer. My interests are large and grow in great measures as the years go by.


Butterfly Workshops Laurie Handlers is the founder of Butterfly Workshops and this company is specifically targeted for those who are interested in tantra and who want to dive deep into their soul. Tantra is for the serious student and seeker only. It will change your life in ways that nothing can. I met Laurie in September of 2003 and have studied with her for the past 2 and ½ years. I continue going deeper into Tantra as it being the main source of my practice and the catalyst that brings everything together! Tantra Yoga has been my blessing, my biggest challenge and my greatest love. w

Baba Dez I have been studying with Baba Dez since May of 2005. I met Dez after coming home from the Master Training with Laurie in CA in the beginning of May 2005. I was blessed to have met Dez and dive deeper into the practice of Tantra. I had been thinking about going back to college to get licensed as a Sex Therapist and Psychotherapist focusing on Relationship Counseling and Dance Therapy. Since studying with Dez, I am now working full time as the source of my practice being an Intimacy Therapist, and the other names fall into the same category; Sex Therapist, Relationship Counselor, Marital Counselor, Sacred Sexual Healer, and more.  I incorporate all levels of healing into my work, and can draw from anything at anytime and for any person. I plan to continue studying with Dez, and other Tantra Teachers and am devoting my life to this path. I am in love with life and being a Tantra Yoga Healer/Therapist/Teacher has brought me more joy than anything I could have ever asked for. I will be continuing the dream of Dance Therapy by dancing whenever I can.  I did personal mentoring, workshops and training with the following:

Anita DeFrancesco,

and more!

I have been a student and practitioner of Holistic Healing, Bodywork, Emotional Processing, Spirituality, Personal Development and Tantra for over ten years. My training and skills are extensive, and now I am ready and available to help many!

Om Shanti, Om Peace, Om Love to you!



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Asttarte is a Shamanic Facilitator, Tantra, Breathwork & Meditation Teacher, Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Communication Coach, Author, Workshop Facilitator

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