What's all the hype about psychedelics? Its not something to run towards. In fact, for many years, most people have been scared about psychedelics and what they can do to a humans brain. However, in todays society, more and more experts have been studying psychedelics and its effects on people with cases such as grief, depression, anxiety, ptsd and other mental illnesses. Now, when a young person gets his or her hand on such medicines, and its not done with knowledge or awareness or a supportive healer, therapist, or Shaman assisting this person, the young person can end up damaging themself more than anything. Some people from my generation when they were young caused severe brain damage with overuse and lack of knowledge, and this gave psychedelics a bad name.
However, today, more and more people are learning that when there is an educated person assisting such a process and they use the experience of their journey to do deeper work on their inner self, it can cause a profound experience of healing. I remember about 20 years ago when my therapist at the time would tell stories about psychiatrists testing themselves with psychedelics to see how far they could go to heal their own minds, and produced immense results for the better.
However, knowledge is key, and knowledge is everything when it comes to this topic. After about 6 years of my own studies in this topic, and testing to see what they all could do, I have a little knowledge and experience to share. And when combining this work with Tantra, Breathwork, Energy Healing, Acupuncture, Yoga, Somatic Movement and other modalities, it can be quite extraordinary.
There are some incredible benefits that can help aid and assist in the healing of ones core self. Many therapists and Counselors are now taking advantage of the benefits, and many people who had tried everything else for their own healing weren't getting very far until they found this path of opening their heart, healing their core wounds, or core imbalances and ancestry.
So those hippies of the 60s, 70s and even in the 80s ad 90s were onto something. However, they weren't using these medicines in a natural way or in a way that was safe and effective. Now, we are in a new era, and many know that working with true Shamans, or true Therapists or Counselors are going to look out for people and their best interests.
It blows my mind, that nearly every single person from my Tantra training in Europe recently, had been working with one form or another of these medicines in a safe way. They were working with it to help them heal their heart, to help them work through trauma, to help them resolve grief, or awaken dormant energy that had been stuck. So, merging Tantra, Plant Medicine, even Bufo and Kambo, and Cacao Ceremonies with Breathwork, Energy Work, and even Kundalini Meditations and Orgasmic Meditations can produce all sorts of different openings and energies in ones body. Now, I'd say, we can certainly put the Orgasmic Meditations last on the list as something to do much later after all the other practices have helped the person, and definitely something to do in private with your partner.
When It Comes to Relationships

When it comes to relationships, you must step very cautiously with psychedelics, especially the medicines of the toad or frog. These are more medicines that are poisons to remove toxins and madness from someones deep core. When removing toxins and madness and in a relationship, it can create for a time some type of toxicity or madness to the relationship while these poisons are pulling out from the individual what doesn't belong, what doesn't belong in their family line, or some ill health disease or sickness that had been stuck in their body for a long time, where other normal western medical medicines didn't help.
Now, this stuff is really powerful. It can throw you over the edge, and it can throw a relationship over the edge even more. If you're in a relationship, and you're happy and in love, I would suggest not risking your relationship to sabotage what you have. However, if you know you have some deeper core mental imbalance or family ancestry issue that keeps showing up and you want to be free of it, give it a try. But know the risks involved and be prepared for these risks. You may want to have a separate home to go to while you're processing and working through these family issues. However, if you're solid and secure in your relationship and you dont have concerns of breaking up, then by all means, go for it. The best way to work with this, is to work together and make sure you and your partner are on the same page. If you're not in alignment, and one of you goes full force and the other backs off, the relationship may end up backing off too. But you won't know until you go through the experience yourself.
After all is said and done, seek therapy. Get the help you need. Go to acupuncture. Practice Breathwork or see a Breathwork Practitioner. (I am happy to offer you a Session of Breathwork by the way). It's great for integration, to release trauma or grief, or come back to self love and joy in the body. And after all this and you still feel imbalanced and like there's still more layers to unravel, I highly recommend going to a Shaman for heart opening medicine or Ayahuasca. Mushroom truffles are excellent too, but you want to release what the Bufo (toad) or Kambo (frog) brought to the surface. All the other medicines are like treats from the Gods and the Heavens and you will be true grateful you lifted these energies from your soul. You'll be refreshed in mind and spirit and able to move forward towards your passions, what you love and feel filled with joy and bliss!
Lovingly Always,