A Life That REALLY Matters!
Spending a lifetime in taking care of others, being utterly kind, giving and making sure everyone else is taken care of before you are is exhausting, disempowering and often when we can forget who we truly are. In the old days, it was common for women to be tortured and abused if they did not follow the rules and do as they were told. It was very common for children to be beaten, whipped, confined and tortured. There were far more slaves living amongst our world, and far more authorities used their power to take advantage of the weak. Most were given the title of “witch” if they had their own mind and thought for themselves, and then killed for using their intuitive minds or creative thinking.
Today, there is more freedom, however, centuries of power and control does not get destroyed so easily. We grow up still being afraid to speak our truth, we hide our feelings, we do as others say and we often adhere to what society expects of us without choosing a new path; one of freedom, truth and self expression.
When we spend so much time at the mercy of others, we truly “forget” the importance of who we are as human beings. We often enter into relationships with others to re-live the same pattern, the illusion that we must give of ourselves and make others happy, for our own happiness. We choose to suffer in silence and instead of hurting anyone else, we hurt ourselves. We do it willingly though. We think it is of the norm. It is “no big deal”. But truly, it really IS a big deal! It is our lives we are talking about. It is our sanity, our vitality, our energy, our breath, our health, our personal lives, our creativity, our passion and our fun we are messing with when we give up our power to another just to be sure “they” are happy over there!
What is SO great about making everyone else happy anyway? What do you gain from giving all your kindness, your innocence, your strength, your vulnerability, your power and your hope to another human being? What is then left for you? Anything? When we do these things there is nothing left to give to the other people in our lives. They lose interest in us. They forget who we really are because we’re so busy making sure our Beloved, or our child, or our parent, is happy.
What is a life that really matters to YOU? Is it living out your dreams? Is it moving somewhere you never thought you could? Is it building something you always imagined, but never took the first steps? Is it starting a health and fitness program? Is it having a child your partner said you couldn’t? Is it calling your brother or sister when your partner doesn’t like them? Is it giving or contributing to society in a big way that will matter for everyone in your community? Is it finding the man or woman of your dreams? Is it finding your old best friend?
The simplest things, can be the biggest things, because they are important to YOU, and no one else. And that alone is why it MATTERS! And always will!